Author Archives: wasano

Don’t Forget Our Important 5/21 Meeting!!!

Our first meeting of the 2013 Marching Band season is upon us! Join us in the Maui High School Gym on Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00pm as we discuss everything you need to know about being a member of the 2013 Marching Band & Color Guard!

Don’t forget that at least $100 of your total fees is due at this meeting to ensure your spot as a member of this group.

On the agenda:
-Summer schedule
-Oahu trip presentation.

Congratulations, c/o 2013!

Seniors! You are officially done with school! Please do not forget that your instruments should have been cleaned out, and your lockers should be empty.

Congratulations and best wishes on your future endeavors.

Band Banquet OVER!

Awesome job, officers!  It was definitely a fun and memorable evening.  Thank you for your hard work organizing tonight’s events.

Congratulations to our new officers!  I look forward to working with all of you, starting immediately!

Aloha Concert – Good Job, Everyone!

A most heartfelt thank you to our students and parents for making last night’s Aloha Concert a great success.

Juniors, despite having 42 seniors to create posters for, set up the gym, take all the equipment to the gym, etc., you handled everything perfectly. I am counting on you to continue to work hard into and through this coming school year. You need to make next year special, as its your last!

Seniors, I hope you had fun at your final Aloha Concert. Congratulations to you all, and thank you for all your guidance. As I said, you have truly helped define our band program.

Color Guard Practices

The following practices have been scheduled:
Saturday, May 11: 9am-12pm
Saturday, May 18: 9am-12pm
Tuesday, May 21: 3pm-5:30pm
Wednesday, May 22: 2pm-5pm

Don’t forget that you all need to be at our first guard camp:
Saturday, May 25: 10am-5pm
Sunday, May 26: 10am-5pm
Monday, May 27: 10am-3pm
*you need to bring your own lunch on all these days!

Graduation Band Info

Our Graduation Band consists of all Concert Band students and all remaining Symphonic Band students who are not graduating.  We have the following rehearsals and performance scheduled:

Tuesday, May 14 from 2:30pm to 4:00pm at the MHS Band Room
Thursday, May 16 from 2:30pm to 4:00pm at the MHS Band Room
Friday, May 17 from 11:45pm to 1:00pm at the War Memorial Stadium (We are transporting students by bus during school, and are returning during the last period of the day).

GRADUATION PERFORMANCE: Saturday, May 18 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm at the War Memorial Stadium (4:00pm reporting time.  Provide your own transportation.)

Timeline for Aloha Concert

ALOHA CONCERT – Saturday, May 11
3:00pm – Tarp, sound, decoration crew reports.
5:00pm – Reporting time for ALL STUDENTS.  Set up chairs, podium, stands, all percussion
5:30pm – Symphonic Band warm up, tuning, sound check.
6:15pm – Concert Band warm up, tuning, sound check.
6:30pm – Doors open.
7:00pm – Concert begins.
9:00pm – Approximate end time.  No one is allowed to leave until dismissed by Mr. Wasano.
9:30pm – Approximate dismissal time.

Remember that we are saying “thank you” to our Seniors.  They should not be doing excessive labor during setup and cleanup.  Make sure all you underclassmen work hard to make this night special for them.