Category Archives: News/Announcements

Awards, New Officers, Section Leaders Announced!

2013-2014 Awards:
John Philip Sousa Award: Marlena Cua
Most Inspirational Band Students: Ronson Castillo, Justin Doronio
National School Marching Award: Kourtney Kaya
James M. Kidoguchi Scholarship: Marlena Cua, Kourtney Kaya, Dayna Yoshimura

Congratulations to our newly elected/appointed officers and section leaders!

2014-2015 Officers:
President:  Melissa Agtunong
Vice President:  Dylan Manibog
Secretaries:  Maricar Torres, Alyssa Yoshimura
Librarians: Courtney Cadiz, Aaron Gilo, Mitchell Gray, Jolene Pascua
Equipment Managers: Daniel Iwasaki, Nathaniel Pacubas, Jeb Rulloda, Joshua Ubias
Drum Majors: Wailana Kauai, Naomi Tabangcura, Jonel Dumelod

2014-2015 Section Leaders:
Flute: Nicole Gicale-Eisenberg
Clarinet: Aaron Gilo, Pauline Piso
Alto Sax: Marc Antonio
Tenor Sax: Mary Pascua
Trumpet: Willard Peralta
Mellophone: Kylie Barut
Bartione: Zachary Ricardos, Russell Rodriguez
Tuba: Joshua Ubias
Battery: Andrei Dela Cruz, Princess Dumelod
Front Ensemble: Alyssa Yoshimura
Color Guard: Danica Badua, Alyssa Damaso, Maricar Torres (Head), Summer Yanos

Summer Rehearsal Schedule

Our summer rehearsal schedule has been posted online at

Rehearsals will run on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:00pm to 5:00pm throughout the summer. Also, make plans to be at our Full Band Camp on July 14-18 from 10:00am to 5:00pm on each day. We will be flying in clinicians from Oahu and California to help us get started on our field show.

For rehearsals, make sure you come prepared:
If you are a woodwind/brass player, make sure you have your mouthpiece, reeds, swabs and other playing supplies. I have some items for purchase, but in limited quantities.
Constantly hydrate (drink water)
Eat (good food, not sugar and caffeine)
Shorts (girls must wear shorts over your leggings)
Athletic shoes (no skate shoes or slip-ons)
Water jug

Charity Walk T-Shirt Pickup

To all Charity Walk participants:

Please come to the band room to pick up your t-shirts:
Today 5/8: Between 4:30pm and 5:30pm
Friday 5/9: Between 10:00am and 5:00pm

Although you can come on Friday to get your shirts, I strongly suggest you come TODAY between 4:30pm and 5:30pm.

Disneyland® Park Parade

Disneyland just confirmed:

The Maui High School “Saber” Marching Band & Color Guard will be performing in a non-stop march along the Disneyland® Park parade route on Wednesday, December 31.

Not sure if you all realize, but the park is going to be PACKED on New Year’s Eve!  WOW!

New Member Uniform Fitting – May 17

All NEW SY 2014-2015 Marching Band woodwind, brass, and percussion members:

There will be a mandatory uniform fitting on Saturday, May 17 from 9:00am-12:00pm. Come at any time between those times.

You must bring a t-shirt, thin shorts, and socks. Spread the word, and don’t miss it!

Charity Walk Forms are due

REMINDER:  The deadline to turn in monies/forms for the Charity Walk is Wednesday, April 30, 2014, to Mr. Wasano. So far, only 20 students have turned in their monies and forms. If you are done with fund-raising, Do not wait until Wednesday to turn in your monies and forms…turn it in so we can begin to organize the packets. Monies not received by April 30, 2014 will not be credited toward your trip to Pasadena.

An Original Official 2014 Charity Walk Registration Form is required for all event participants.  If your child has lost this form, please see Mr. Wasano for another Original Official 2014 Charity Walk Registration Form.  The new form must be completed and signed by a parent is the student is under age 18.

Remember, this is a MANDATORY PARTICIPATION activity in which you will receive 100% credit for the donations you receive. You are expected to turn in the completed registration form with the minimum donation amount of $35 AND participate in the Charity Walk on May 10, 2014. The MHS Band will have a tent set up. Make sure you check in by 6:00 a.m., otherwise, you will not get credit for this mandatory activity.

Pizza/Takamiya money was due 3/24, but come get more tickets!

The money for your pizza and Takamiya tickets were due yesterday (3/24), so get that in immediately. But, we still have more tickets available for you to sell! Remember the details of this fundraiser:

1) All profit from this sale is counted towards the Charity Walk on your behalf.
2) All profit from this sale will come back to you as credit. Yes, all of it.
3) The Booster Club will get a percentage of the total sales OVER your profit. Again, you keep 100% of your profit!

Why would you not want to sell more tickets? It’s the best way to bring your trip cost down, as well as earn money for the Booster Club! Come get more tickets!