Author Archives: wasano

2013-2014 New & Returning Marching Band Member Meeting Scheduled!

There will be a brief meeting for all returning and new 2013-2014 marching band members on Tuesday, May 7 at 12:45 (lunch recess). Returnees, please make sure you communicate with your friends that have committed to become new marchers next year. Everyone should be at this very important meeting. COME EARLY TO BE CHECKED IN SO THAT WE CAN START ON TIME!

*EDIT: This meeting is only for CURRENT MHS STUDENTS ONLY. If you are at Maui Waena or Lokelani, do not worry about attending this meeting.

Also, make sure you all keep your calendars clear for our mandatory marching band parent meeting on Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00pm in the Gym.

Good Job!!!

What a weekend. Hosting duties are never easy, but you all showed a great deal of professionalism this past week. Thank you all for showing responsibility in making sure things “got done”.

Officers, thank you for taking charge in making sure the students (not only ours) were taken care of. Maui High School would not have been able to host such an event without your efforts.

On to the next event! Aloha Concert on May 11. It’s going to be a whirlwind from here on out, so keep working hard.

Good Job, Maui High Band!

Good job at the Parade of Bands tonight! Get plenty of rest and make sure you report early for your rehearsals on Saturday (Honor Band 2:30pm, Massed Band 4:00pm).

Those of you that are not getting dinner from us, please make sure you bring your own.